Computer Science

Subject Name: Computer Science



Component 01 – Computer Systems:

Students are introduced to the internal workings of the CPU, data exchange, software development, data types and legal and ethical issues. The resulting knowledge and understanding will underpin their work in component 03. It covers:

  • The characteristics of contemporary processors, input, output and storage devices
  • Types of software and the different methodologies used to develop software
  • Data exchange between different systems
  • Data types, data structures and algorithms
  • Legal, moral, cultural and ethical issues

Component 02 - Algorithms and programming

This builds on component 01 to include computational thinking and problem-solving. It covers:

  • What is meant by computational thinking (thinking abstractly, thinking ahead, thinking procedurally etc.)
  • Problem solving and programming – how computers and programs can be used to solve problems
  • Algorithms and how they can be used to describe and solve problems.

Programming Language

We will continue to develop your knowledge of the python programming language from GCSE as well as introducing you to a few others. The language chosen for the Programming project (03) should be appropriate to the task chosen. There are several programming languages which the exam board will accept which are outlined in the specification.


Non-exam Assessment - Programming Project

Students are expected to apply the principles of computational thinking to a practical coding programming project. They will analyse, design, develop, test, evaluate and document a program written in a suitable programming language. The project is designed to be independently chosen by the student and provides them with the flexibility to investigate projects within the diverse field of computer science.

How the course is assessed?

Assessment comprises two exams with a range of short and long answer questions as well as a project, which is referred to as the programming project. The examinations make up 80% of the final grade and the programming project, 20%. An awareness of the application of computer science in the real world will be required as is the desire to solve problems and create program

Future Career Opportunities

A Computer Science A level helps to prepare you for many courses at university and can also be the qualification that you may need to secure a Level 3 apprenticeship. It is a highly academic subject that will help you to develop the problem solving and algorithmic skills needed in areas such as Mathematics, Science, Economics as well as, of course, Computer Science related areas.

WHO do I need to speak to for more information?

Mrs Dearing, Head of Computer Science Department

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